Friday, February 16, 2007

Peirce on Prayer

CP 6.518. . . . .As I say, the inquiry into efficacity is distasteful to me because that is not the motive of my prayers. Still, I should like to have an inquiry instituted into the matter. But looking more closely at actual prayer itself, perhaps at least "the state of mind" that is "the soul's consciousness of its relation to God" constitutes " precisely the pragmatistic meaning of the name of God" (but note that praying for "specific things" is held to be "childish. . . yet innocent")

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Etnografia da leitura num grupo de estudos espírita

An ethnography of reading in a spiritist study group

Bernardo Lewgoy

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Horizontes Antropológicos, vol.10 n.22, Dez. 2004 p.255-282

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Congresso Internacional

Convidamos você a participar do :

I Congresso Internacional do Serviço de Psiquiatria da Infância e da Adolescência do Instituto de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (SEPIA-IPq-HC-FMUSP)

XIII Encontro de Amigos pelo Autismo da Associação de Amigos do Autista (AMA)

O conceito:
Tratamento Interdisciplinar de crianças e adolescentes com transtornos mentais: Desafio do novo milênio.

:: Cursos

22/03/2007 08h00-12h00

Saúde e Espiritualidade.Frederico Camelo Leão(carga horária 4 horas)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The most complex mysticism praxis with the most complex language that I know of is the theoretical Cabala: "a technique for exercizing reason or, instructions for use of the human intellect... it is said, that angels gave the Cabala to Adam after being expelled from the Garden of Eden as a means whereby to return there" (Wolff). The 10 Sephiroth with their 22 connecting pathways constitute a sheer inexhaustible, network-like reservoir of associations, connections, punctuations; its construction principle is binary and it is built of the basic tensions of theoretical reason (CHOCKMAH) and the power to concretize, to form (BINAH). The only meaningful mode in which the Cabala can be read and re-revealed over and over again is that of interpretation. In this, the Cabala and art are akin.

Seven Items on the Net
Siegfried Zielinski